Mega Shine Super Tough ❤

Just a quick review for my lovelies about the Sally Hansen Mega Shine Top Coat! What can I say but that it's amazing. I use it once a week and my nail colour lasts me for exactly 1 week which is perfect because as much as I love nice nails I hate painting them..! I just find it such a chore and this wonderful top coat makes my life easy because I don't have to worry about the colour chipping. The added bonus is that no matter how many coats I've used of the nail colour when I apply the top coat it's all dry in 1 minute...! I have had so many people ask me if I have my nails done and that's normally my queue to tell them nope...! It's the Sally Hansen Mega Shine that makes my nails look amazing..! It's glossy and hard as nails and doesn't cause any wrinkling to the enamel..! It doesnt drag on any colours but slightly noticeable when your wearing red but it doesn't ruin your colour...!! A brilliant product. I buy mine in tesco for £5.99...! I'd love to hear what you girlies use or recommend for the same effect..! Thanks for reading, please leave me a comment..! ❤


  1. I'm awful i never bother putting on a top coat but this sounds fab

    Lauren-Jade @ Dainty Bones

    1. I Never used to bother with one either but since discovering this one I'm hooked..!

      I've followed you for a read ❤

  2. Hello Amreen. I would be really happy if you check my blog,
    Thank you so much
    xoxo Nika

    1. Hey.... Thank you for reading the post..! I've followed your blog for a read...! ❤❤

  3. I'm sorry I missed the trench coat giveaway but I've followed your lovely blog for a read..! ❤❤❤


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